Thursday, February 22

On the Road Again...

Hey all! Just wanting to let you all know that I'm flying home this weekend for several support meetings. Actually, I have 6 meetings this weekend in the 3 days that I'll be there. It's going to be busy, to say the least. I'm thinking I'll have only 1 more trip home though before I move, so I'm hoping to see friends and family that I haven't been able to connect with for awhile. Pray that people will see my heart and vision, in spite of my often disorganized thoughts. Would love to hear from any of you!

Tuesday, February 13

I have no choice

I have to update you all today, although this may end up being more of repentance and confession than actually 'updating.' Last night before I went to bed I spent quite a bit of time reading Psalm 139, which I've done hundreds of times. But as crazy as it sounds, several of the verses actually allowed me to rest, almost as though God were giving me permission to sleep.
"You know when I sit and when I rise: you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways...
Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you."
I'm certain that there are many more spiritual truths that could be gleaned from those few verses, but for me yesterday, God was telling me to just go to sleep. See, I have been so worked up and stressed out over my list of things to do that even sleeping feels like I'm wasting time. I haven't been resting well because I feel guilty and unproductive. These few profound verses reminded me again that God never sleeps. He is in control. His work does not depend on me. In my actual physical darkness, He is working. I know that this sounds so elementary, but it truly gave me new freedom yesterday.
And so while I was rushing to get to Rome today, and honestly dreading every minute of it...God was preparing the way...again, as always. When I arrived tonight I was met in the parking lot by people who asked for my name and before I knew it they said they were taking my bags to my room. After finishing the paper work at the front desk, I went to my room and honestly, almost cried as I opened the door. My room looked like a room straight out of the latest Pottery Barn catalog, with all of those accessories that you can never afford but they absolutely finish the room. Two lamps, dimly lit. My bag and my computer neatly placed on the luggage rack. And faintly in the background I could hear "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" playing on the CD player on the nightstand. Respite. That's the only word I know to use.
Thank you Father for preparing the way, for creating an environment for me to commune with you and to fellowship with your family of believers. For not letting me go another day. For nearly forcing me to 'BE STILL.' Thank you Father for caring when I go out and when I lay down. May these next few days bring restoration to my spirit and my relationship with you, at whatever the cost.

A crazy week!

  • Mom and Crys came down this weekend and ended up buying Crys' wedding dress! Never thought I'd be getting Crys married off before I left, but I'm so thankful that it's all happening before I leave! You all know I just almost couldn't deal if it would've happened while I was gone, so yeah God for His perfect timing!
  • Also, I'm headed to Rome, GA tonight and will be in a retreat/training with The Mission Society until Friday afternoon. While I'm excited, I'm also seriously stressing because I have WAY too much to do to be gone for that long. Pray that I'm able to enjoy my time there and also that time will be provided so that I can finish several of the tasks that are in the works.
  • Friday afternoon to Saturday evening I'll be at a conference called 'Friends of GOA.' About 50 people that are supporters of Glory Outreach Assembly are getting together to find a better way of networking and communicating with one an effort to better support the work that God's doing in Kenya through GOA. Many of those attending are already supporting me, but of course I'm always looking for more to prayerfully and financially support me as I go. Pray that God will ordain our time together and that the unity among this group will be undeniable.

I'll keep you posted!

Let me explain...

So I'm trying this blog to see if it will be an easier format to get prayer requests out to ya'll during this preparation process, and hopefully I'll keep it using while I'm in Kenya. You do have to get a google account (if you don't already have one) to view this though. I've given each of you access to the account, which means you all will be able to create posts on this site (i.e. if you've talked w/me and gotten an update that you want to share with everyone, you have a request or scripture that you want to share, etc...). I'm not sure how often I'll be updating this or how often you'd even want to check it, but I know that it's crucial that I connect with you all in prayer and this seems to be a good format of communicating to a large group. Let me know if you have any questions/comments about the site and how it will work. Again, for those of you not familiar with a blog (okay, mom.) you can respond to an entry that I've posted or you can even post your own...but only if it's something you don't mind the group reading. Otherwise, email it to me personally. I'm just trying to cut down on the emails that I have to send and receive, especially knowing my internet connection/access is going to be limited in Kenya. You got it? Love you all!